Welcome to Lalanterne Birth!

Educating and Empowering families to achieve a Safe, Positive and Memorable Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum experiences. A lantern that shines along your unique path…

Your Baby. Your Birth. Your Choices. Always.

Why Childbirth Education and Doula Support? Because bringing your baby into the World will be one of the most important things you do in Life. You don’t have to do it alone! Having support and resources along your unique path to Parenthood changes the outcomes and builds a solid foundation while equipping you with confidence in your decision making. You are able to change the power dynamics of your Birthing and Parenting experience when you are educated about all your options. This is a true path to an informed, empowered, confident Birthing and Postpartum journey. Lalanterne Birth exists to equip parents just like you and is a resource, a servant, and a friend along the way.

I cannot wait to get to know your family!

With love,

Dasha Litvinov CD(DONA), CCCE - CAPPA

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